Interview with Film Star based in Moscow Аziz Beishenaliev: Moscow Taught me Where is My Homeland Torokul Doorov: Aziz, it’s a pleasure to have you here with us. Your father,…
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Yodgar Obid left Uzbekistan in 1990s to Europe and calls Austria his home. Recently his poems over sufferings of little children on Uzbek cotton plantations found its way to the…
The first written information about the Kyrgyz is found in ancient Chinese chronicles. However, no Kyrgyz historian who wrote a history of the nation can be identified before the end of the 19th century. Of course, there were many relaters of genealogical legends arid stories based mainly on folk heritage. This paucity of indigenous historiography is the reason that Kyrgyz history has been written mainly from external sources in various languages, including Chinese, Arabic, Iranian, Greek, Turkic, Mongolian, and Russian. Kyrgyz historians made their first attempts at publishing histories at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of the reformist movement known as Jadidism. Some Kyrgyz intellectuals brought out works in Kazan, Ufa, and Orenburg. For example, books by Osmonaaly Sydyk uulu were published in Ufa in 1913 and 1915.
Happy New Year! Я желаю лично Вам в Новом году счастья и успехов! Келген Жыл Сизге ырыс-таалай ала келсин!
Musa Murataliev. Explaining Manas (part of novel)
The book you are holding combines two disparate themes linked by the person of its hero. Set in Moscow, it describes the collapse of the Soviet empire and the psychological changes which the citizens of that empire underwent as a result. The main protagonist witnesses the impact of those changes on his friends: the rise of Russian nationalism, and the criminalization of society, including of those security service personnel who serve the cause of “managed democracy.”
At the same time, the novel provides an overview of the history of the Kyrgyz, one of the most ancient peoples of Central and northern Asia, incorporating episodes from the Kyrgyz epic poem “Manas” to shed light on the fusion of forty separate clans to form the Kyrgyz nation.
The Kirgiz ethnic minority in China, concentrated in
Musa Murataliev. The Lucky Hunter
Once there lived a lone young gerfalcon, unknown to any; he was still very young. His mother had only just pushed him out of the nest sending him off on…
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